Thursday 24 November 2011

WSIFITS: Seven Samurai 20XX

Well this is a weird one. Seven Samurai was a film made in 1954 by Akira Kurosawa and widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made. So, 50 years after the film’s release Sammy Studios decided it was high time to make… a video game of it. For the ps2. And set it in the future. I don’t know why either.

Yeh, I’m not going to do a review of it. It’s not very good, it looks like Final Fantasy, but plays like a cross between God of War and Street Fighter, except with only about one attack button I can find. And it’s just really weird, you’re a samurai but then you have to go and fight some alien mutant thing. I played about 20 minutes and it was all dull and repetitive with a slow boring story. I just thought that people needed to know about this really weird game, that no-one asked for, and no-one really appreciated.

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