Monday 1 August 2011

Imdb Top 100. And Harry Fucking Potter

For those not in the know, and seriously, there can't be many of you, Imdb is a website where anyone can go on and rate films out of ten. Critics and the general public alike it all gets averaged out. The top 100 are the films which have recieved the highest ratings from the most people. Basically they're the best films ever made.
I never really gave much thought to this, until on my favourite waste of time there was a question which allowed you to tick off which films you'd seen off the Top 100. I only had about 30, which considering I'm studying film next year seemed far too low for my liking. Oh, and Lewis had about 25 and he watched 2 films this year and I made him watch both of them. So he challenged me to watch them all. And so, I did. I've now seen every film on the imdb top 100. I've sat through them all, enjoying all of them, well except maybe Metropolis. But apart from that, I've really enjoyed myself. It started off as, "hey i'll watch these films so I can say I have!", but as time's gone past and I saw more and more, the top 100 just became an excuse to watch good films. I mean M is fantastic, but when I go into the shop and buy it people do give you odd looks. It's easier to say, "I want to watch all the Top 100", instead of just "I want to watch a black and white foreign language film from the 1930s". But I'm not worried about what people say anymore. I've seen a huge amount of the greatest films ever made and so I think I can get away with watching anything I want to.
I'm thinking about doing a blog with a couple of words about all the films on the Top 100, giving a short view of whether I think they deserve their place on the list and generally what I thought of them.

But first. Something that annoyed me about the list. Unless you live in a cave where there is no contact with the outside world... oh wait, then you couldn't read this. Scratch that, everyone knows about the newest Harry Potter film. I went to see it. It was good. It was infact very good. And I got a wee twinge of nostalia watching it, considering it was the last film in a series I've grown up with. But what it isn't is one of the greatest films of all time. I could explain why not, but as long as you're not a Harry Potter fan you should be able to see that for yourself. Because it's obvious. But my problem isn't with the film. It's very good. It's with the fans. I said, where were we supposed to cry because it wasn't sad, and I was bombarded with hate and half facts by Harry Potter fans. I hadn't even being saying the film wasn't good. I just said it wasn't sad, and fans went mad. So I went onto Imdb to see what people thought of the film and found it at no. 69 in the Top 100. 69?! Oh yeah, I'm sure that Harry Potter could possibly be better than Chinatown, Gran Torino, Once Upon A Time In America, Inglorious Basterds, Full Metal Jacket or so many more better films I could name. All the fans just went on and said "Oh my god, this is the best thing ever, I love Harry Potter, I cried when Harry died." Oh, spoiler alert. But seriously, you can't just say 10/10 because you are love it. That might sound odd, but I LOVE Men In Black II. But I'll admit in a second that it isn't very good. I don't care about it's faults though, because the things that work I like a lot more than most people. Harry Potter fans were going to say this film was amazing however it turned out and really they put people off the franchise by being so obsessed by it. Harry Potter is not a love it or hate it thing, but thats the kind of atmosphere the fans create. I feel like someone who didn't like The Dark Knight would in 2008, but that's not really a fair comparison because HP is just a good film, but TDK is a masterpiece. It truly is one of the best films ever. Harry Potter is most definately not. Luckily for my blood-pressure the film's moved down to no 109, which is still far higher than it should ever be allowed, but not as bad. But fans need to calm down. The Harry Potter films are ok. Some are very good like the final one, and some are boring pieces of shit, aka The Order Of The Phoenix. But they're just films based on fantasy novels. It's not like filming the entire Bible. Calm down.

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